• Ortho WeedClear Lawn Weed Killer Ready-To-Use Refill destroys all significant broadleaf weeds (see label for weed list), including dandelion, chickweed, and crabgrass, without hurting your lawn when used as prescribed.
• RESULTS IN HOURS: This weed killer takes just one application to become rainproof and noticeable results in hours.
• OVER 200 TYPES OF WEEDS: When applied as instructed, this weed killer destroys weeds down to their roots and is safe for use on lawns (see label for weed list)
• FOR MANY TYPES OF LAWNS: Appropriate for Bermudagrass, Buffalograss, Tall Fescue, Fine Fescues, Kentucky Bluegrass, Ryegrass, and Zoysiagrass among other grasses.
All sorts of weeds (as indicated) are killed by Ortho® WeedClearTM Lawn Weed Killer Ready-to-Spray without hurting your lawn (when used as directed). The solution works quickly; you'll see results with only one application. It becomes rainproof in one hour. It eliminates over 200 weeds, including foxtail, dandelion, chickweed, clover, and crabgrass, at the root level. Connecting the garden hose to the sprayer that is attached makes application simple. Bermudagrass, Buffalograss, Fescues, Kentucky Bluegrass, Ryegrass, and Zoysiagrass are among the grasses that it may be used on. To eliminate weeds completely, use Ortho® WeedClearTM Lawn Weed Killer!