• Scotts Turf Builder Southern Triple Action is a three-in-one mix for Southern grasses that also nourishes your lawn and destroys dollarweed and clover in addition to preventing and eliminating fire ants.
• Kills the specified lawn weeds, including henbit, plantain, dollarweed, dandelion, clover, oxalis, and chickweed
• For a period of up to six months, prevents and eliminates fire ants. It also suppresses armyworms, fleas, mole crickets, chinch bugs, sod webworms, and ticks.
• Use on St. Augustinegrass (including Floratam), Centipedegrass, Zoysiagrass, and Carpetgrass to feed and fortify lawns against heat and drought.
• Apply the Scotts spreader on the lawn, then quickly water it in. Do this while the grass and weeds are actively developing. the bag covers 8,000 sq. ft.
Bermudagrass cannot be treated with this product. When weeds are actively developing, sprinkle the product with a Scotts spreader. After using this product, it must be watered in right away. Pets and people shouldn't return to the treated area until the grass has finished being watered and dried. A 26.64 lbs. the bag covers 8,000 sq. ft.